Music room. Lotsa old stuff here. Far wall needed something on it to give it some warmth and depth. Right now I have the fall grown quilt. Big thing. Bulky. The fabric is really patterned with brown pointsettias...gives a hint of Christmas to come.

I absolutely adore this Sari. Used it in a play, once or twice, as a costume, but then it just sor to of got shoved to the back of the closet. Found a great place for it draped and dropped over the bannister. Now I get to enjoy it all of the time...

This is a very big quilt. Moved some of the heavy furniture so I could finally hang it on the wall. Irish Chain in various reds and creamy buttery yellow. Love the visual effect of the squares.

Mixed media quilts. Batiks on the closer wall, do not match, in any way, the more traditional flying Geese behind the piano. And that's okay by me. Eclectic is way more fun than anything else.
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