Friday, September 3, 2010

Sewing Machine Possession

That is my first comment on this goofy machine I bought over two years ago. It's possessed, I tell you. I even thought I should get an exorcism, but figured that was too weird. Have decided to sell it on consignment and put the money towards a new machine. One with not so many bells and whistles and things that can go wrong, or beep and fall off.
Yes, I did my research on sewing machines and a couple of years ago bought a Viking Husquvarna, after much debate and much trepidation. Income tax money is wonderful to spend on treats ......feels like it's some sort of present. So after about 6 months, I took the plunge and lugged home the Husquvarna.......the thing was so heavy it took two of us to drag into the car.
The first time I tried to sew with the thing, it tried to eat my fingers. I just put that down to it being new and fresh from the factory, and me being green, green, green. Well.....I'm not so green now, and this machine has become annoying."All the bells and whistles, with so many quilting stitches it l sew by itself", was the advertisement.......Oooooh, I thought. Fun. Either that, or it better make coffee.......
For these past two years, this machine has been slowly, but surely falling apart. First, the pressure foot jammed , wouldn't move, I couldn't raise it. Everything was done electronically. The machine would just shut down and sulk ,when it wasn't happy. Then, after the pressure foot incident, the threader stopped working. Three times I've had it " fixed", and it is still broken. Then the weirdest problem of all showed started beeping and humming and freezing. Then the sewing needle would come to life, sensuously darting in and out of invisible fabric, nearly sewing my fingers to the metal plate. The stitches would switch back and forth, for reason at all. And the if it was laughing at me.....daring me to stick my fingers under the pressure foot.
I must destroy this machine, I decided.........but how, and when? Would anyone notice?
The latest problem? Well, the pressure foot pedal cracked, the metal bands inside snapped off and the casing fallen off. No one seems to know how to get a replacement. I was told that I would most likely have to send it to Sweden............I could have a vacation there, for what it would cost in shipping charges. And at this point, I am soooo fed up with the Husquvarna I would gladly give it away, either that or toss it into a metal squisher and listen to it grind away into tin foil and plastic.
Sigh. That would be a most satisfying sound.
I've returned to my back up sewing I got 12 years ago....a Brother. Loud and noisy, and some uneven stitches, but it behaves. But, I still need something with at least SOME quilting stitches, so will be having a look at a Janome today. The Husquvarna sits in its corner, tauntingly. I think it can hear me plotting its demise.
I hope the new machine is not possessed , just quiet and obedient.It better not talk , or beep or have any sort of personality. I hope that I am not losing it.
And it doesn't even have to make coffee......

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