"Oh, how is it possible to write amid this excitement and confusion! We are too far off to hear and see much down here in teh Campus, but they tell me the streets in town are lined with panic-0stricken crowds, trying to escape. All is confusion and turmoil. The Government is rapidly moving off stores...all day the trains have been running, whistles bllwing and wagons rattling through the streets. All day we have been listening to the booming of cannon....receiving conflicting rumors of the fighting. All day wagons and ambulances have been bringing in the wounded over the muddy streets, and through the drizzling rain, with the dark gloomy clouds overhead.
All day in our own household has confusion reigned too. The back parlor strewed with clothing, etc., open trunks standing about, while a general feelingof misery and tension pervbaded the atmosphere. Everything is to go that can be sent....house linens, blankets, clothing, silver, jewelry...even the wine...everything movable, of any value.
Hospital flags have been erected at the different gates of the Campus...we hope the fact of our living within the walls may be some protection to us, but I fear not. I feel sure these buildings will be destroyed. I wish mother could have sent some furniture to different friends in town, but it is too late now."
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